Nitrification by the obligately lithoautotrophic ammonia oxidizer Nitrosomo
nas eutropha was significantly inhibited when nitric oxide was removed from
the culture medium by means of intensive aeration and turbulence. Nearly c
omplete recovery of ammonia oxidation could be achieved by adding 100 ppm N
O to the supplied air. Inhibition of ammonia oxidation occurred also upon a
ddition of the NO binding agens 2,3-Dimercapto-1-propane-sulfonic acid (DMP
S). Recovery of ammonia oxidation occurred within 3 h in the presence of 10
0 ppm NO and within 76 h in the absence of externally added NO. In co-cultu
res of N. eutropha and the NO detoxifying bacterium Pseudomonas PS88, hardl
y any nitrification was detectable and release of NO was extremely low when
the heterotroph was provided with an organic substrate. When cells of Pseu
domonas PS88 were added to a mixotrophically nitrifying culture of N. eutro
pha the release of NO decreased drastically upon the addition and ammonia o
xidation ceased. These results confirm for the first time the significance
of NO in the course of ammonia oxidation by N. eutropha.