Uniform direct or fusion wafer bonding of GaAs wafers up to 4 inch in diame
ter was achieved by means of two methods: (i) pre-heating, bonding at eleva
ted temperatures and post-annealing in a H-2 atmosphere (gas environmental
hot bonding) and (ii) bonding inside an UHV apparatus at temperatures as lo
w as 150 degrees C after cleaning with atomic hydrogen. Both methods yield
atomically abrupt interfaces as shown by cross-sectional TEM and by imaging
the screw-dislocation network formed at low angles of twist between the wa
fers. At large twist angles, additional "step" dislocations arising from bo
nding across surface steps could be clearly imaged. The problem of occasion
ally occuring microvoids, probably arising due to insufficient pre-cleaning
or at excessive post-annealing, is addressed. Both bonding procedures neit
her need mechanical loading of the wafers nor channel-patterning of the sur