During the last two decades, newly introduced therapeutic strategies have r
esulted in satisfactory modification of the disease course in the majority
of the patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Nevertheless, a definite nu
mber of RA patients remain therapy-resistant, and for this group more aggre
ssive treatment may be required for preventing permanent disability and pro
gressive joint damage necessitating surgical procedures. Therefore, managem
ent of therapy-resistant RA is one of the major challenges in modern rheuma
tology. RA patients who have not responded to conventional disease-modifyin
g antirheumatic drug (DMARD) therapy are defined as refractory RA patients.
However, a uniform description or definition for 'refractory' RA does not
appear to be available. In this article we will deal with, and discuss, the
term 'refractory RA' based on a MEDLINE database search using this term, c
urrently available therapeutic options, data on therapy-resistant RA patien
ts from an inception cohort of RA patients attending the Nijmegen Universit
y Hospital, management of extra-articular manifestations and future managem
ent strategies.