The systemic responses to trauma can be divided into cardiovascular, immuno
logical, and metabolic. The cardiovascular responses are seen immediately a
fter a traumatic insult. The pattern of response depends on whether the ins
ult is mainly haemorrhagic, tissue damage, or a combination of the two. The
response may be quite different for penetrating vascular trauma, compared
with a crush injury to a limb. The immunological, or inflammatory, conseque
nces of trauma usually become apparent several hours or days after the init
ial insult, although it is increasingly clear that they may be triggered by
the very early cardiovascular changes. These have been implicated in the d
evelopment of multiple organ failure. The metabolic responses are of greate
st importance in the longer term: after successful resuscitation and after
the definitive treatment of the patient's injuries. The metabolic responses
need to be taken into account during the recovery from treatment and durin
g the rehabilitation of the patient.