Storage forms of N were studied in belowground structures of nine bore
al forest understorey plants. The ericaceous shrubs Vaccinium vitis-id
aea and V. myrtillus, the fern Gymnocarpium dryopteris, the grass Desc
hampsia flexuosa, and the herbs Epilobium angustifolium, Maianthemum b
ifolium, Solidago virgaurea, Geranium sylvaticum and Trientalis europa
ea were sampled in early summer and late autumn from plots fertilised
with a complete mixture of nutrients and from non-fertilised control p
lots. Concentrations of total nitrogen, insoluble and soluble proteins
, free amino acids and nitrate were measured, and changes in absolute
and relative concentrations of these N fractions between early summer
and late autumn were used to identify the forms in which the plants st
ore N. In all species studied, the concentration of free amino acids i
ncreased both between summer and autumn and in response to fertilisati
on, while the concentration of protein N increased only in response to
fertilisation. Thus, free amino acids appear to have a central role i
n N storage. In all of the species except G. dryopteris, D. flexuosa a
nd S. virgaurea, arginine dominated the pool of free amino acids and t
hus arginine was the major form of stored N in most species. In D. fle
xuosa and S. virgurea, however, asparagine and arginine together were
the major forms of stored N, while glutamine was the major free amino
acid, and N storage form, in G. dryopteris.