The Robertson-Walker spacetimes are conformally flat and so are conformally
invariant under the action of the Lie group S O (4, 2), the conformal grou
p of Minkowski spacetime. We find a local coordinate transformation allowin
g the Robertson-Walker metric to be written in a manifestly conformally fla
t form for all values of the curvature parameter k continuously and use thi
s to obtain the conformal Killing vectors of the Robertson-Walker spacetime
s directly from those of the Minkowski spacetime. The map between the Minko
wski and Robertson-Wallcer spacetimes preserves the structure of the Lie al
gebra so(4, 2). Thus the conformal Killing vector basis obtained does not d
epend upon k, but has the disadvantage that it does not contain explicitly
a basis far the Killing vector subalgebra. We present an alternative set of
bases that depend (continuously) on k and contain the Killing Vector basis
as a sub-basis (these are compared with a previously published basis). In
particular, bases are presented which include the Killing vectors for all R
obertson-Walker spacetimes with additional symmetry including the Einstein
static spacetimes and the de Sitter family of spacetimes, where the basis d
epends on the Ricci scalar R.