Calcification is a component of vascular disease that usually occurs in con
cert with atheroma formation but through distinct pathophysiological proces
ses. Vessel wall osteoprogenitor cells known as calcifying vascular cells c
an form bone matrix proteins and calcified nodules, analogous to osteoblast
ic differentiation in bone, These cells have been isolated from the tunica
media of bovine and human arteries, and both in-vitro tissue culture models
and mouse models of vascular calcification have been established. Studies
of the effects of diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, estrogens and glucocor
ticoids on calcifying vascular cell function provide insight into the relat
ionship between common human disease states and vascular calcification. Cur
r Opin Nephrol Hypertens 9:11-15. (C) 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.