Families of acute care patients who die while receiving care face loss and
grief in unfamiliar institutional environments. Informal bereavement assist
ance may occur in acute care settings, but formally organized service and p
lanned follow-up work with bereaved family members is less common. A litera
ture review revealed little discussion of acute care-related bereavement se
rvices. The detrimental effects of long-term, unresolved grief, however, ar
e well-documented. Bereavement services help to reduce immediate physical a
nd emotional distress while ameliorating long-term morbidity associated wit
h unresolved grief. They may also reduce eventual costs for services and di
scomfort of illness by reducing the likelihood of stress-related illnesses
occurring among survivors. Health care workers such as social workers, psyc
hiatrists, chaplains, and nurses, who are familiar with the psychosocial ne
eds of families and the structure and staffing of these settings, are well-
positioned to organize assistance for those experiencing sudden loss. Devel
oping a formal bereavement program in acute care settings involves descript
ion of the need, presenting the rationale for the service, identification o
f program elements, and determination of resource needs. Even in situations
in which full services may not be possible, the provision of basic assessm
ent and referral services will be beneficial to survivors while offering th
e institution several benefits.