Purpose: Reproductive disorders are unusually frequent among women with tem
poral lobe seizures. The particular type of disorder may be related to the
laterality and focality of epileptiform discharges. Hen we examined whether
unilateral amygdaloid seizures activate hypothalamic neurons involved in r
eproductive function and reproductive endocrine secretion in female rats an
d whether such activation shows lateral asymmetry.
Methods: Numbers of Fos-immunoreactive (Fos-ir) neurons in various hypothal
amic regions were compared for three groups of animals: (a) unilateral amyg
dala-kindled, (b) implanted but unstimulated, and (c) unimplanted.
Results: Fos-ir neurons showed strong ipsilateral occurrence in the medial
preoptic, ventrolateral part of the ventromedial, and ventral premammillary
nuclei, sexually dimorphic regions involved in reproductive endocrine regu
lation. No significant lateral asymmetry was observed for other investigate
d hypothalamic regions.
Conclusions: Unilateral amygdaloid seizures activate hypothalamic neurons t
hat regulate reproductive endocrine secretion in a laterally asymmetric fas
hion. This may explain the clinical association of different reproductive e
ndocrine disorders with left and right temporal epileptiform discharges.