There is growing evidence that social factors contribute significantly to t
he course and outcome in schizophrenia. In particular, the relationship bet
ween high EE and schizophrenic relapse has been documented by many investig
ators. Since 1980, several psychoeducational family management programs hav
e been evaluated showing a significant reduction in relapse when compared t
o standard psychiatric care. To prevent tardive dyskinesia, alternative med
ication strategies have been introduced, e. g. low dose and targeted medica
tion. In the Munich treatment study the combined effects of behavioral fami
ly management (BFM) and standard dose (SD) or targeted neuroleptic medicati
on TM) on relapse and social functioning of the patient as well as coping a
nd burden of the family have been investigated. N = 51 patients with 73 rel
atives were randomly assigned to the two groups (BFMSD = 27, BFMTM = 24). R
elapse rates at 18 month were: BFSD = 3.9%, BFMTM = 33.8%. In summary, psyc
hoeducational family management in combination with standard dose medicatio
n proved to be highly effective in preventing relapse in schizophrenia. The
se results are in line with findings of anglo-american studies and call for
a more widespread application of these new psychosocial approaches in orde
r to provide the best services available for the chronically ill schizophre
nic patient and their families.