The association between family structure and behavioural and emotional symp
toms in prepubertal children was studied in an epidemiological survey condu
cted in Finland. Five thousand eight hundred thirteen children aged 8 and 9
years were screened using the Rutter Parent Questionnaire (RA2) for parent
s and the Rutter Teacher Questionnaire (RB2) for teachers. Information conc
erning family type, birth order and sibship size were obtained from the par
ents. The majority of the children (84%) in the sample lived with both thei
r biological parents, 10% with a single parent, and around 5% with a biolog
ical parent and a stepparent. Around 1% of the children lived outside their
original home. The prevalence of behavioural and emotional symptoms was lo
west in children living with both their biological parents and highest amon
g children living outside their original home according to both parents' an
d teachers' reports. Children living with a parent and a stepparent had pro
blems more often at home, but less often at school than children living wit
h a single parent. Living with a single father was associated with having m
ore externalising, school-related problems, while living with a stepfather
was associated with having more internalising, home related problems. Havin
g younger siblings seemed to be associated with fewer problems at school, a
nd being the youngest child with having less problems both at home and at s