The mitochondrial DNA variation was screened in a sample of 50 unrelated in
dividuals of the Vietnamese population originating from Hanoi. A combinatio
n of long and standard PCR and restriction endonuclease digests with the en
zymes HpaI, BamHI, HaeII, MspI, AvaII and HincII were used to reveal mtDNA
variation. Twenty enzyme morphs were detected, three of which (HaeII-13(Vie
t), MspI-19(Viet) and MspI-20(Viet)) are new and are produced by a single m
utational event in already known enzyme morphs. Ten already known and four
new mitotypes [93(Viet) (1-1-2-4-1), 94(Viet) (2-1-13(Viet)-1-1), 95(Viet)
(2-1-13(Viet)-19(Viet)-1) and 96(Viet) (1-1-2-20(Viet)-12)] were found in t
he Vietnamese population. The 9-bp deletion occurring in the COII/tRNA(Lys)
region of the mitochondrial genome was also analysed and 10 samples were f
ound to have this deletion. The comparison of the Vietnamese with other Eas
t Asian populations showed a close genetic relationship of the population u
nder investigation with other Orientals. However, the Vietnamese population
can be differentiated by the significantly higher frequency of the enzyme
morph HincII-5 and by seven new markers. These results strongly support the
hypothesis of a dual ethnic origin of the Vietnamese population from the C
hinese and Thai-Indonesian populations based on HLA markers and linguistic