Three children of a series of 461 pediatric liver transplant recipients dev
eloped diffuse cholangitis associated with intestinal cryptosporidium carri
age. All three received immunosuppression consisting of tacrolimus and pred
nisone. Cryprosporidium carriage was treated with paramomycin, while immuno
suppression was decreased according to graft tolerance. No other infectious
pathogens were found, and no vascular problems were detected. Bile duct an
astomosis was reoperated in all three: but biliary cirrhosis developed in o
ne patient, requiring retransplantation. All three patients are alive and w
ell, and free of intestinal parasites on follow-up.
Conclusion Cryptosporidium intestinal infection may play a role in some cas
es of otherwise unexplained cholangiopathies in pediatric liver transplant
recipients. This may lead to significant morbidity, including need for retr