A 24 year old woman presented with a prolonged clinical history of fasting
and exertional hypoglycaemia, and was subsequently diagnosed with an insuli
noma. Concurrent symptoms of oligomenorrhoea and hyperandrogenism of simila
r duration were noted, Biochemically, hyperinsulinaemia was observed in ass
ociation with a raised serum luteinizing hormone (LEI), raised testosterone
and androstendione concentrations, Surgical removal of the insulinoma resu
lted in resolution of the clinical and biochemical features of the polycyst
ic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) but minimal change was observed in the ovarian u
ltrasound appearances. This case demonstrates the role of insulin in mediat
ing the hypersecretion of both LH and androgens in women with polycystic ov
aries. We suggest that hyperinsulinaemia converted occult 'polycystic ovari
es' to become clinically manifest as 'polycystic ovary syndrome'. This para
digm has clear implications for women with insulin dependent diabetes melli
tus who presumably have systemic hyperinsulinaemia.