In this paper, we describe three approaches to statistical translation and
present experimental results. The statistical translation approach uses two
types of information: a translation model and a language model. The langua
ge model used is a bigram or general m-gram model. The translation model is
decomposed into a lexical model and an alignment model. There are three ap
proaches that are presented and tested in detail: the quasimonotone alignme
nt approach, the inverted alignment approach, and the alignment template ap
proach. For each of these three approaches, a suitable search method is pre
sented. The system has been tested on a Limited-domain spoken-language task
for which a bilingual corpus is available: the Verbmobil task (German-Engl
ish, 7000-word vocabulary). We present experimental results for each of the
three approaches. The experimental tests were performed on both the text t
ranscription and the speech recognizer output.