Low frequency excess 1/f noise in the frequency range 1-10(4) Hz and conduc
tivity are measured and analysed in trimmed and untrimmed bismuth ruthenate
thick film resistors (TFRs) with an aspect ratio of 0.04. The excess flick
er noise exhibits a 1/f(gamma) spectrum with gamma approximate to 1 which s
cales with the square of the de current. Although both the temperature coef
ficient of resistance and the conductivity of the TFRs did not change signi
ficantly upon trimming, we observed a substantial increase in the relative
noise index C for trimmed TFRs. The Hooge parameter alpha(H) for untrimmed
TFRs was estimated to be similar to 1.1 x 10(-3) Application of the Hooge m
odel to trimmed TFRs indicated that trimming increases the values of alpha(
H). Further, if V is the volume of the TFR, the noise of the trimmed resist
ors did not exhibit the expected C proportional to 1/V behaviour that is ob
served for untrimmed TFRs. These observations may be due to a combination o
f reasons such as laser trimming-induced inhomogeneous damage or a possible
reduction in the Vandamme effective volume; trimmed TFRs exhibited an effe
ctive volume in the range 0.18-0.38.