The Nama Group of southern Namibia is a candidate for the Terminal Pro
terozoic Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP). Desirable charact
eristics of a GSSP include a well-preserved index-fossil assemblage, l
ittle deformation or metamorphism, well-constrained. isotopic ages, st
able-isotope records and magnetostratigraphic control. The age of the
Nama Group sediments is now constrained to between 570 and 510 Ma. Ass
uming the Gondwana assembly was nearly complete at this same time, the
re is a discrepancy between the previously published Nama poles, a rev
ised 550-510 Ma apparent polar wander path for Gondwana and the preced
ing supercontinental assemblages of Rodinia and Panottia. For these re
asons, the Nama Group sediments were resampled in an effort to evaluat
e the potential of detailing the magnetostratigraphy of the Nama Group
and resolving the discrepancy between the Nama poles and the APWP of
Gondwana. Collectively, both the previous studies of the Nama Group an
d this one show a complex series of overprints and no easily discernib
le primary direction of magnetization. We therefore urge caution in us
ing the Nama Group poles in any tectonic models of the Neoproterozoic-
Early Palaeozoic. Specifically, the N1 component of magnetization, pre
viously identified as a primary magnetization, was discovered in a you
nger suite of samples. Therefore, previous tectonic models that used t
he N1 magnetization direction as representative of the time of Nama de
position should be revised in light of these recent findings.