An improved monthly precipitation climatology for the Arctic is developed b
y blending the Legates and Willmott gridded product with measurements from
Russian "North Pole" drifting stations and gauge corrected station data for
Eurasia and Canada. The improved climatology is used to examine the accura
cy of mean precipitation forecasts from the National Centers for Environmen
tal Prediction (NCEP) and European Reanalysis Agency (ERA) reanalysis model
s, based on data for the period 1979-88. Bath models capture the major spat
ial features of annual mean precipitation and general aspects of the season
al cycle but with some notable errors. Both underestimate precipitation ove
r the Atlantic side of the Arctic. NCEP overestimates annual totals over la
nd areas and to a somewhat lesser extent over the central Arctic Ocean. Exc
ept for the North Atlantic-Scandinavia sector, the NCEP model also depicts
the seasonal precipitation maximum consistently one month early in July. Ov
erall, the ERA predictions are better. Both models perform best during wint
er and worst during summer.
The most significant problem with the NCEP model is a severe oversimulation
of summer precipitation over land areas, due to excessive convective preci
pitation. Further investigation far July reveals that both the NCEP analyse
s and 12-h forecasts are too wet below about 850 mb and have more negative
low-level temperature gradients as compared to available rawinsonde profile
s. This suggests that low-level observations are not being effectively inco
rporated in the analyses. Given this finding, the high humidities are consi
stent with excessive surface evaporation rates. This problem may in turn re
late to soil moisture, which NCEP updates by the modeled precipitation. If
soil moisture is too high, this would favor excessive Evaporation and high
low-level humidities, fostering excessive precipitation, in turn keeping so
il moisture and evaporation rates high. The NCEP down-welling shortwave flu
xes are also much too high, contributing to excessive evaporation and possi
bly influencing the low-lever temperature gradients. By comparison, soil mo
isture in the ERA model is adjusted using the difference between the model
first guess and analysis value (the analysis increment) of low-level humidi
ty, which prevents model drift. The ERA downwelling shortwave fluxes are al
so closer to observations. These attributes are consistent with the superio
r ERA precipitation forecasts in summer and suggest avenues for improving t
he performance of the NCEP model.