The functional anatomy of anxiety involves amygdala-based neurocircuits wit
h critical reciprocal connections to the medial prefrontal cortex. Traumati
c experiences leave emotional imprints involving the amygdala, with facilit
ated fear-conditioned associations involving declarative memory traces. Avo
idance conditioning is an additional component. An understanding of the fun
ctional anatomy of anxiety allows for a new perspective on the various anxi
ety disorders. The neurotransmitters involved in these circuits are reviewe
d for their relevance to the pharmacologic choices in the treatment of anxi
ety. Potent serotonin reuptake inhibitors appear to have superior efficacy
in many of the anxiety disorders, with indications that norepinephrine reup
take inhibitors have an advantage in severe forms of major depression. Medi
cations with dual effects-blocking reuptake of both serotonin and norepinep
hrine (e.g., clomipramine and venlafaxine XR)-have superior benefits in ach
ieving remission in major depression and GAD. These medications may also of
fer a faster onset of action and theoretically superior benefits in patient
s with comorbid anxiety disorder and major depression.