Real-time predictions of the rainfall in July-September 1997 and January-Ma
rch 1998, respectively, for the Sahel and southern Africa at I month lead a
re presented. The forecast technique is based on canonical correlation anal
ysis (CCA), a multivariate linear statistical model that relates patterns i
n the predict and held to patterns in the predictor field. In this CCA desi
gn, four consecutive 3 month predictor periods are followed by a lead time
and a single 3 month predictand period. Cross validation is used to estimat
e the skill in the forecasts. The forecasts are expressed in terms of depar
tures from climatological probabilities of three equiprobable categories fo
r above-, near-, and below-normal rainfall. Expressing the forecasts in ter
ms of probability anomalies communicates the level of confidence in the for
ecasts. Forecast verifications have been performed using the Heidke skill (
S) score. For the Sahel the July-September 1997 rainfall prediction at 1 mo
nth lead showed reasonable skill. Furthermore, it is shown that the Sahel r
ainfall in July-September is influenced at least partly by Fl Nine-Southern
Oscillation (ENSO). In addition, Sahel rainfall is affected by the sea sur
face temperature pattern in the Atlantic Ocean and perhaps the Indian Ocean
. For southern Africa, the S score was +30, suggesting a moderately good fo
recast for the region as a whole. The results also indicate that ENSO plays
an important role in modulating rainfall variations in southern Africa.