Two types of opening-mode fractures (joints) are commonly found in layered
rocks. One is called unconfined because fracture heights are much less than
the layer thickness and they behave like fractures in massive rocks. The o
ther is called confined because the fractures terminate at the layer bounda
ries. We investigate the mechanical control on apertures in these systems u
sing the theory of elasticity. An analytical solution demonstrates that the
ratio of aperture to height (aspect ratio) of an unconfined fracture in a
homogeneous, isotropic medium is linearly related to the average strain, th
e overburden stress, and the internal fluid pressure within the fracture. N
umerical results based on of the finite element method (FEM) for an unconfi
ned fracture in the central layer of a three-layer model agree with the ana
lytical result when the fractured layer and neighboring layers have the sam
e elastic constants. The aspect ratio of the unconfined fracture is insensi
tive to the ratio of Young's modulus of the fractured layer to that of the
neighboring layers and to the differences in Poisson's ratios. The FEM resu
lts for confined fractures show that their aspect ratio is linearly related
to the average strain, the overburden stress, and the internal fluid press
ure. However, the aspect ratio increases nonlinearly with increasing fractu
re spacing to layer thickness ratio because of the mechanical interaction b
etween adjacent fractures. The interaction becomes insignificant when the s
pacing to layer thickness ratio is >similar to 6.0. The aspect ratio of con
fined fractures depends on the ratio of Young's modulus of the fractured la
yer to that of the neighboring layers. This dependence is significant when
the fracture spacing to layer thickness ratio is < 1.3; otherwise, it is ne
gligible. In all of these cases the aspect ratio of confined fractures is i
nsensitive to variations in Poisson's ratios. Furthermore, the FEM results
predict that fracture accommodated strain measured by the traditional scan
line method may slightly overestimate the average normal strain when the sp
acing to layer thickness ratio is <similar to 1.0, and may slightly underes
timate this strain for greater ratios.