Precocity, prodigiousness, brightness, intelligence, talent, creativit
y, eminence, renown, greatness, and genius may be aspects or consequen
ces of characteristics often lumped together under the multi-dimension
al term ''giftedness.'' Certain of these concepts can be traced from G
alton through Spearman, Binet, and Terman to outstanding recent contri
butors. We consider identification of intellectually talented youth an
d, to some extent, their educational facilitation. Although the ''abil
ities'' view of talent is emphasized, more qualitative approaches such
as those of Bloom, Ericsson, Gardner, Simonton, and Sternberg receive
attention. Life outcomes of mathematically and/or verbally precocious
youth identified across the nation by talent searches emanating since
1971 from Johns Hopkins University and elsewhere may help clarify rel
ationships between intellectual precocity, creativity, and achievement