Supervisees in Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy
Education-(COAMFTE) accredited and candidacy training programs were asked t
o describe their best and worst supervision experiences in terms of the con
text of training and supervision, the perceived personal attributes of the
supervisor and specific behaviors perceived to be enacted by the supervisor
during supervision. Contextual factors such as supervision modality, frequ
ency and duration of supervisory contacts, and sources of supervisory, data
appeared to distinguish between supervisees' perceptions of their best and
worst experiences. These experiences were further distinguished by the sup
ervisees' perceptions regarding the supervisor's level of interpersonal att
ractiveness, trustworthiness, and expertise. Key behaviors perceived to be
enacted by supervisors during best and worst experiences clustered into sev
eral dimensions that included creating an open supervisory environment, com
munication and encouragement, attending to personal growth, and providing c
onceptual and technical guidance and direction.