The authors investigate the behavior of buoyancy-driven coastal currents in
a series of numerical experiments based on a two-layer frontal geostrophic
model. The model focuses on baroclinic instability, allows for finite ampl
itude variations in the upper-layer thickness, and includes a topographic b
ackground vorticity gradient. Simulations of isolated fronts demonstrate me
andering of the frontal outcropping, filamentation, and the development of
both warm core and cold core eddies. Eddies can merge with each other, sepa
rate, or be reabsorbed into the current. Despite the assumption of only two
layers, it is found that growth rates and length scales of the emergent fe
atures are in agreement with results of studies based on more sophisticated
primitive equation models. It is determined that the cross-front topograph
ic slope has a significant effect on the instability. In particular, a bott
om that slopes in the same sense as the fluid interface hinders the growth
of perturbations. Simulations with two outcroppings (i.e., coupled fronts)
are also described. The authors found that such currents break up into dist
inct vortices that propagate very little but exhibit merging and splitting,
behavior consistent with previous numerical studies involving similar mode
ls as well as laboratory experiments. Finally, an analytical nonlinear wave
-packet stability theory for a marginally unstable flow with a simple linea
rly varying height profile is presented. The authors show that the unstable
modes can saturate as solitons.