Thermo-oxidative stresses deteriorate physical and chemical properties of o
il in the lubrication systems of combustion engines and render it ineffecti
ve over a period of time. It leads not only to excessive wear and corrosion
but may also cause catastrophic failure of lubricated components. A realis
tic reassessment of oil periodicity calls for evaluation of oil under actua
l field application of the system. In this paper, oil change periodicity of
SAE 10W 30 engine oil for two commercial vehicles is examined. Conventiona
l tests such as viscosity, total acid number (TAN), water content, flash po
int, ail insolubles, atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), and ferrography,
and less conventional techniques such as sealed pan differential scanning
calorimetry (SPDSC) in combination with differential infrared (DIR) spectro
scopy and thin layer chromatography (TLC) have been employed for estimating
remaining useful life of engine oil of the two vehicles. Good correlations
were observed in the properties studied including depletion of multifuncti
onal additive ZDDP A map was also constructed to indicate safe and unsafe z
ones for kilometerage run. In addition, the results indicated that the TLC
technique has potential to be a good supporting technique for additive depl
etion assessment. The results indicated that both oil systems showed good h
ealth beyond the recommended periodicity level (PR) i.e. 10,000 Kms. Howeve
r; engine wear debris analysis calls for more frequent oil sampling in the
vicinity of PR and newly recommended periodicity level (PN) for realistic r
eassessment of periodicity.