The cumulant correlators, C-pq, are statistical quantities that generalize
the better-known S-p parameters; the former are obtained from the two-point
probability distribution function of the density fluctuations while the la
tter describe only the one-point distribution. If galaxy clustering develop
s from Gaussian initial fluctuations and a small-angle approximation is ado
pted, standard perturbative methods suggest a particular hierarchical relat
ionship of the C-pq for projected clustering data, such as that obtained fr
om the Automatic Plate Measuring (APM) survey. We establish the usefulness
of the two-point cumulants for describing hierarchical clustering by compar
ing such calculations against available measurements from projected catalog
ues, finding very good agreement. We extend the idea of cumulant correlator
s to multipoint generalized cumulant correlators (related to the higher-ord
er correlation functions). We extend previous studies in the highly non-lin
ear regime to express the generalized cumulant correlators in terms of the
underlying 'tree amplitudes' of hierarchical scaling models. Such considera
tions lead to a technique for determining these hierarchical amplitudes, to
arbitrary order, from galaxy catalogues and numerical simulations. Knowled
ge of these amplitudes yields important clues about the phenomenology of gr
avitational clustering. For instance, we show that a three-point cumulant c
orrelator can be used to separate the tree amplitudes up to sixth order. We
also combine the particular hierarchical Ansatz of Bernardeau & Schaeffer
with extended and hyper-extended perturbation theory to infer values of the
tree amplitudes in the highly non-linear regime.