The fish- and herpetofauna of Sandelzhausen (near Mainburg, South Germany)
contain according to the present revision 44 species from 24 families. Due
to this unusually high diversity, the locality occupies not only a particul
ar position within the Upper Freshwater Molasse (upper Lower and Middle Mio
cene), but contains probably also one of the richest assemblages of lower v
ertebrates in the Tertiary of Europe. The aquatic fauna is characterized by
3 Palaeocarassius/ Channa association with a relatively high frequency of
Triturus vulgaris, T: cf. marmoratus and Rana (ridibunda) sp. The animals a
dapted to terrestrial lift: are dominated by Pelobates n. sp. which is the
most frequent vertebrate in Sandelzhausen. The Lacertidae, Anguidae and Cha
maeleonidae are not abundant, but show a high diversity.