We present data collected from two anemic aphasics. Thorough assessment of
comprehension, oral reading and repetition revealed no underlying impairmen
ts suggesting that both patients were examples of classical anomia-word-fin
ding difficulties without impaired semantics or phonology. We describe a se
ries of experiments in which the degree of anemia was both increased and de
creased, by cueing or priming with either a semantically related word or th
e target item. One of the patients also presented with an 'acquired' tip-of
-the-tongue phenomenon. He was able to indicate with a high-degree of accur
acy the syllable length of the target, and whether or not it was a compound
word. Neither patient could provide the first sound;letter. The data are d
iscussed in terms of discrete two-stage models of speech production, an int
eractive-activation theory and a distributed model in which the positive an
d negative computational consequences of the arbitrary relationship between
sound and meaning are emphasised. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All right
s reserved.