In this paper an ozone generation system that uses square bipolar pulses at
1900 Hz frequency (carrier signal) modulated with low frequency square wav
e is presented. The optimization of the carrier was done by sweeping the fr
equency from 500 to 2400 Hz and the duty cycle from 20 to 100 %, obtaining
the best results at 1900 Hz and 80 % respectively. The experiment was done
using a corona discharge generator with glass dielectric, 2 mm gap, water-c
ooling at 26 degrees C and oxygen as the feed gas. Different levels of ozon
e production were obtained by changing the duty cycle of the modulator sign
al. The modulator signal works on a discrete way with whole numbers of puls
es. The priority of the pulse polarity can be set so the beginning of the p
ulses may be either positive or negative. A dead time between pulse trains
is always present with a minimum value of 10% of the modulator signal. The
dead time contributes to the generator cooling because no energy is applied
A comparative study between the proposed system and a 60 Hz traditional sou
rce generator shows an increase in the ozone concentration and ozone produc
tion rate, as well as a reduction of the voltage required to produce the co
rona discharge by using a pulse train at medium frequency.