Trapped electrons in crystals are responsible for many important effects on
crystals: lattice relaxation, electron-ion correlation, lattice-frequency
shift, and so on. These electron-phonon interaction effects cause peak shif
ts and give rise to various multiphonon structures in the absorption and em
ission spectra of trapped electrons. The present treatment for interactions
of trapped electrons with a crystal does not include the standard second-q
uantized field theory, which neglects the quantum many-body effects of crys
tals. Therefore, up to now no universal light-absorption theory includes va
rious effects of trapped electrons on crystals. For this reason, a unified,
second-quantized field theory of optical absorption, which contains both l
inear and quadratic electron-phonon interactions is established. In this fi
eld theory we derive a universal, analytical spectral function of the absor
ption coefficient, which describes the whole absorption spectrum of an arbi
trary color center. [S0163-1829(99)02547-3].