A. Ranieri et al., SO2-induced decrease in photosynthetic activity in two barley cultivars. Evidence against specific damage at the protein-pigment complex level, PL PHYS BIO, 37(12), 1999, pp. 919-929
This research investigated the SO2-induced effects on photosynthetic appara
tus in two barley (Hordeum vulgare I,.) cultivars (cv), Panda and Express.
Following a chronic treatment with SO2 (80 ppb, 75 d) neither cv showed any
visible signs of injury or chlorosis on leaf surfaces, while a significant
reduction in A(max) and G(w) was detected in both cvs, although to differe
nt extents. Thylakoids of SO2-treated plants showed a decrease in the elect
ron transport activity at the whole chain, photosystem II (PSII) and photos
ystem I (PSI) level in both cvs. The high performance liquid chromatography
(HPLC) analysis of leaf pigments revealed a significant decrease in both c
vs, more pronounced in Panda than in Express. Deriphat-polyacrilamide gel e
lectrophoresis (Deriphat-PAGE) and two dimensional (2-D) electrophoretic an
alyses of the pigment-protein complexes did not show differences in SO2-tre
ated samples of either cv. HPLC analysis of the green bands also showed no
differences in the pigment content of fumigated samples of either cv, excep
t for a decrease in beta-carotene content and xanthophyll cycle pigment (VA
Z) content respectively at band 1 (PSI) and band 5 (minor light-harvesting
polypeptides of PSII) level in cv Panda, where the de-epoxidation index (DE
P) significantly increased, while in Express, an increase in VAZ content an
d DEP value of band 5 was observed. These results suggest that the decrease
in the photosynthetic activity can be ascribed, in addition to stomata clo
sure induced by SO2, to a generalised, rather than specific, pollutant effe
ct on photosynthetic apparatus, which could be interpreted as an adaptation
to the adverse environment. (C) 1999 Editions scientifiques et medicales E
lsevier SAS.