Female mammals bear the energetic costs of gestation and lactation. Therefo
re, it is often assumed that the overall energetic costs are greater for fe
males than they are for males. However, the energetic costs to males of int
rasex competition may also be considerable, particularly if males maintain
a much larger body size than females. Using data from 19 non-human primates
, this paper examines the relationship between male and female energetic co
sts both in the short term (daily energy expenditure) and the long term (th
e energetic cost of producing a single offspring). It is shown that the maj
or determinant of sex differences in energetic costs is body size dimorphis
m. In the long term, the energetic costs are often greater for females, but
, when male body size exceeds female body size by 60% or more, male energet
ic costs are greater than those for females. That is, in highly sexually di
morphic species the energetic costs of gestation and lactation for the fema
les are matched by the energetic costs to the males of maintaining a large
body size.