The cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells is a complex milieu and unraveling how it
s unique cytoarchitecture is achieved and maintained is a central theme in
modern cell biology. The actin cytoskeleton is essential for the maintenanc
e of cell shape and locomotion, and also provides tracks for active intrace
llular transport. Myosins, the actin-dependent motor proteins form a superf
amily of at least 15 structural classes and have been identified in a wide
variety of organisms, making the presence of actin and myosins a hallmark f
eature of eukaryotes. Direct connections of myosins to a variety of cellula
r tasks are now emerging, such as in cytokinesis, phagocytosis, endocytosis
, polarized secretion and exocytosis, axonal transport. Recent studies reve
al that myosins also play an essential role in many aspects of signal trans
duction and neurosensation.