Introduction. - The authors,report the case of a patient who presented for
4 years recurrent anterior uveitis accompanied by asymptomatic tuberculous
mediastinal lymphadenitis
Exegesis. - CT scan of the chest showed the existence of mediastinal lympha
denopathy (< 1cm). Mediastinoscopy with biopsy of the right laterotracheal
lymph node was performed. The culture was positive for Mycobacterium tuberc
ulosis, thus permitting, the didiagnosis tuberculosis.
Conclusion. - This case report stresses the advantage of extensive etiologi
cal assessment when faced with unexplained uveitis; particularly it emphasi
zes the importance of investigating potential tuberculosis. The existence g
ranulomatous uveitis, a positive skin test, the ethnic origin, and mostly r
esults chest CT scan, were the rationale for the use of mediastinoscopy wit
h lymph node biopsy to help guide diagnosis. (C) 1999 Editions scientifique
s et medicales Elsevier SAS.