The synonymy of Glomeris quadrifasciata C. L. Koch, 1847, with C. undulata
C. L. Koch, 1844, recognized by VERHOEFF (1931), is confirmed. Glomeris obl
ongoguttata Verhoeff, 1894, stat. n. is the valid name for Glomeris quadrif
asciata sensu VERHOEFF (1911) from South Tyrol. This taxon is classified as
a species closely related to C. transalpina C. L. Koch, 1836, by VERHOEFF
(1911). Allozyme electrophoretic data agree with morphological results. Pos
sible glacial refugia and postglacial colonization, which might explain the
actual distribution of G. oblongoguttata and G. transalpina, are discussed
. Specific separation of both taxa is concluded to have happened before the
Pleistocene (>1.6 mio years BP).