Simultaneous development of multiple tumors of the female genital tract is
a well documented possibility The most common combination is endometroid ca
rcinoma of the ovary and adenocarcinoma of the endometrium. This situation
occurs in about 10 to 25% of all endometroid carcinomas of the ovary and ca
n reflect the presence of either two primaries or of a primary and its meta
stasis. Three cases in women aged 70, 56, and 43 years are reported. In all
three cases, the endometroid carcinoma of the ovary was diagnosed first, a
nd examination of the hysterectomy specimen showed a well differentiated ad
enocarcinoma of the endometrium with limited invasion. The objective of thi
s article is to discuss the histogenesis of these tumors and their classifi
cation as primaries or metastases.