The objective of this paper is to develop and analyze a multigrid algorithm
for the system of equations arising from the mortar finite element discret
ization of second order elliptic boundary value problems. In order to estab
lish the inf-sup condition for the saddle point formulation and to motivate
the subsequent treatment of the discretizations, we first revisit briefly
the theoretical concept of the mortar finite element method. Employing suit
able mesh-dependent norms we verify the validity of the Ladyzhenskaya-Babus
ka-Brezzi (LBB) condition for the resulting mixed method and prove an L-2 e
rror estimate. This is the key for establishing a suitable approximation pr
operty for our multigrid convergence proof via a duality argument. In fact,
we are able to verify optimal multigrid efficiency based on a smoother whi
ch is applied to the whole coupled system of equations. We conclude with se
veral numerical tests of the proposed scheme which confirm the theoretical
results and show the efficiency and the robustness of the method even in si
tuations not covered by the theory.