Histopathologic and immunohistochemical examinations were performed on loca
lized amyloidosis associated with mammary tumors in two dogs. These tumors
were identified as adenoma and adenocarcinoma. An acellular, amorphous pale
eosinophilic material (amyloid) was observed in the lumina of acini lined
by neoplastic cells and in the stroma of the tumors. Concentrically laminat
ed pale eosinophilic bodies (corpora amylacea) were also found in the lumin
a of the acini. Amyloid and corpora amylacea stained positively with Congo
red with and without 5% potassium permanganate pretreatment and revealed a
green birefringence under polarized light. Corpora amylacea showed an occas
ional Maltese-cross pattern. Immunohistochemically, amyloid and corpora amy
lacea usually stained positively with anti-bovine alpha-casein antibody but
negatively with anti-human amyloid AA, anti-bovine kappa-light and lambda-
light chains, anti-human lactoferrin, anti-human transferrin, anti human se
cretory component, and anti-human polyglucosan antibodies. These findings s
uggested that the amyloid deposition in these canine mammary tumors was rel
ated to lactating casein.