Problem: Spinal stenosis is a common and increasing problem in the elderly
population and a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Methods: An overview
of etiology, epidemiology, diagnostics and therapy is given based on a lit
erature review of the gears 1978-1998 and experiences since 1985. Results:
Dealing with spinal stenosis we have to distinguish concerning diagnostics-
and therapy between cervical and lumbar spinal stenosis. The cardinal sympt
om of the lumbar spinal stenosis is the claudicatio spinalis and of the cer
vical spinal stenosis the cervical myelopathy occasionally combined with ra
diculopathy. The first therapeutic step should be the conservative therapy
in nearly all cases, the only exception is a severe cervical myelopathy whe
re an operation is indicated. In case of persistent or progressive symptoms
under a sufficient conservative therapy, operative therapy is indicated. T
he different possible therapy decisions will be based on flow-charts. Concl
usion: Whereas in lumbar spinal stenosis the indication for operative thera
py should be considered with reservation, in cervical spinal stenosis with
myelopathy operative therapy should be considered at an early stage.