Pure breeding is the prerequisite for any systematic animal breeding. Scien
tific results and practical experiences show that animals with high heteroz
ygoty are optimally buffered against environmental and genetic stress. Syst
ematic utilisation of heterosis effects is much more difficult in dairy ind
ustry than in poultry and pig industry. Up to now, it has not been possible
to compensate undesirable side effects due to the increasing production yi
elds by simultaneous selection for fitness traits even in the most effectiv
e AI breeding programmes with dairy cattle. Thus, in spite of the difficult
ies, commercial crossings may be the most effective solution in high yieldi
ng dairy herds.
HILL (1971) listed a number of stipulations which have to be fulfilled in c
ommercial dairy crossbreeding programmes. To day, rotational crossbreeding
programmes with proven sires (Interbull-breeding values) may be the best ch
oice. Two breed rotational crosses starting with Holstein cows and using pr
oven Braunvieh (German Brwon-Swiss) or Fleckvieh (German Simmental) sires a
re discussed.