NADH:nitrate reductase (EC activity in the crude extract from Spir
odela polyrhiza was relatively labile in vitro. Inclusion of polyvinylpolyp
yrrolidone into the extraction medium had only a slight effect on the stabi
lity of the enzyme, whereas addition of 3 % casein, azocasein, or other pro
teins to the extraction medium greatly increased the nitrate reductase (NR)
activity. Various protease inhibitors were tested for their ability to pre
vent the loss of NR activity in vitro. Iodoacetate and para-chloromercutric
benzoate, the thiol-protease inhibitors, as well as pepstatin, the asparti
c-protease inhibitor had no effect on stability of the nitrate reductase. E
DTA had a slight stimulatory effect, whereas 5 mM o-phenantroline, another
inhibitor of the metallo-proteases increased the activity of nitrate reduct
ase. The highest enzyme activity was found in the presence of phenylmethyls
ulphonyl fluoride and di-isopropyl phosphorofluoridate both being serine-pr
otease inhibitors.
The protease-like inactivator was separated from Spirodela polyrhiza by amm
onium sulfate fractionation and acid treatment (pH 4.0). After centrifugati
on the protein of inactivator in supernatant adjusted to pH 7.5 was removed
. When this fraction was examined by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide whic
h copolymerized with edestin, the protein of the nitrate reductase inactiva
tor remained at the cathode. Fractions containing a protein of inactivator
degraded casein to products soluble in trichloroacetic acid. Inhibition of
the inactivator proteolytic activity by phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride and
di-isopropyl phosphorofluoridate but not by other reagents (thiol- and meta
llo-protease inhibitors) suggested the involvement of a serine residue at i
ts active site. The inactivator fraction from Spirodela polyrhiza resulted
in a loss of the nitrate reductase activity in crude extracts from both cuc
umber and corn seedlings. A biochemical nature a protein of the nitrate red
uctase inactivator from S. polyrhiza is discussed.