Mice lacking AT(1A) receptors for ANG II have a defect in urinary concentra
tion manifested by an inability to increase urinary osmolality to levels se
en in controls after thirsting. This defect results in extreme serum hypert
onicity during water deprivation. In the basal state, plasma vasopressin le
vels are similar in wild-type controls and Agtr1a -/- mice. Plasma vasopres
sin levels increase normally in the AT(1A) receptor-deficient mice after 24
h of water deprivation, suggesting that the defect in urine concentration
is intrinsic to the kidney. Using magnetic resonance microscopy, we find th
at the absence of AT(1A) receptors is associated with a modest reduction in
the distance from the kidney surface to the tip of the papilla. However, t
his structural abnormality seems to play little role in the urinary concent
rating defect in Agtr1a -/- mice since the impairment is largely reproduced
in wild-type mice by treatment with an AT(1)-receptor antagonist. These st
udies demonstrate a critical role for the AT(1A) receptor in maintaining in
ner medullary structures in the kidney and in regulating renal water excret