Background: The diverse nature of the target audience (i.e., public health
decision-makers) for the Guide to Community Preventive Services: Systematic
Reviews and Evidence-Based Recommendations (the Guide) dictates that it mu
st be broad in scope. In addition, for the Guide to be most useful for its
target audience, its organization and format must be carefully considered.
Determining the Scope of the Guide Healthy People objectives and actual cau
ses of death were used to determine the contents A priority setting exercis
e resulted in the selection of 15 topics for systematic the Guide: reviews
using the following criteria: burden of the problem, preventability, relati
onship to other public health initiatives, usefulness of the package of top
ics selected and level of current research and intervention activity in pub
lic and private sectors. Interventions within each topic target state and l
ocal levels and include population-based strategies, individual strategies
in other than clinical settings and group strategies.
Organization The Guide is organized into: Introduction, Reviews and Recomme
ndations (three sections: of the Guide: Changing Risk Behaviors, Reducing D
iseases, Injuries, or Impairments, and Addressing Environmental and Ecosyst
em Challenges), Appendixes, and Indexes.
Discussion: The scope and organization of the Guide were determined using r
elevant public health criteria and expert opinion to provide a useful and a
ccessible document to a broad target audience. While the final contents of
the Guide may change during development, the working table of contents desc
ribed in this paper provides a framework for development of the Guide and c
onveys its scope and intention.
Medical Subject Headings (MeSH): community preventive services, burden of d
isease (C) 2000 American Journal of Preventive Medicine.