The purpose of this study was to gain insight into the pathophysiologic pro
cesses of severe lower-abdominal or inguinal pain in high-performance athle
tes. We evaluated 276 patients; 175 underwent pelvic floor repairs. Of the
157 athletes who had not undergone previous surgery, 124 (79%) participated
at a professional or other highly competitive level, and 138 patients (88%
) had adductor pain that accompanied the lower-abdominal or inguinal pain.
More patients underwent related adductor releases during the later operativ
e period in the series. Evaluation revealed 38 other abnormalities, includi
ng severe hip problems and malignancies. There were 152 athletes (97%) who
returned to previous levels of performance. The syndrome was uncommon in wo
men and the results were less predictable in nonathletes. A distinct syndro
me of lower-abdominal/adductor pain in male athletes appears correctable by
a procedure designed to strengthen the anterior pelvic floor. The location
and pattern of pain and the operative success suggest the cause to be a co
mbination of abdominal hyperextension and thigh hyperabduction, with the pi
vot point being the pubic symphysis. Diagnosis of "athletic pubalgia" and s
urgery should be limited to a select group of high-performance athletes. Th
e consideration of other causes of groin pain in the patient is critical.