Bartter syndromes are defined as a family of inherited recessive autosomal
tubulopathies. They are characterized by hypochloremia, hypokalemia.,metabo
lic alkalosis associated with potassium renal leakage and normal blood pres
sure despite increased plasma, renin activity. Three forms of the disease a
re identified as followed: 1) Gitelman syndrome or hypocalciuria hypomagnes
emia syndrome is a mild form often discovered in childhood or teenagers in
reason of tetany. It is an homogeneous disorder related to mutations of the
genes encoding the thiazide-sensitive Na-CI cotransporter located in the d
istal convoluted tubule. 2) Antenatal Bartter syndrome with hypercalciuria
and nephro calcinosis ol hyperprostaglandin E syndrome is a severe form, of
ten revealed by hydramnios, prematurity and growth delay. It is related to
mutations of two types of genes encoding for transporters of Henle's loop :
the bumetanide-sensitive cotransporter Na-K-2Cl (NKCC2) [type I] or the in
wardly-rectifying potassium channel (ROMK) [type II]. 3) the "classical" fo
rm or type III Bartter syndrome, often revealed by dehydration in the first
year of life, is associated with hypomagnesemia in 20 % of cases and norma
l or increased calciuria. This form is related to mutations of CLCNKB gene
encoding for a chloride channel in Henle's loop. This classification, in pa
rt related to the demonstration of mutations in the genes encoding for tubu
lar chloride or potassium channels, does not fit all cases, overlapping syn
dromes are frequent. Moreover some endocrinological (diabetes) and neurolog
ical (deafness) abnormalities are sometimes associated with Bartter syndrom
es. Both phenotypic and genetic approach must help to the diagnosis of thes
e tubulopathies.