PURPOSE: Several statements have been issued to the effect that no consiste
nt, significant Link has been demonstrated between cancer and electromagnet
ic fields (EMF). However, there continues to be much interest in a possible
association with breast cancer, in part because breast cancer risk is subs
tantially higher in industrialized countries than in other areas, and elect
ric power generation and consumption is one of the hallmarks of industriali
zed societies. In 1987, Stevens proposed a biological mechanism whereby two
products of electric power generation, EMF and light at night, might contr
ibute to mammary carcinogenesis through inhibition of melatonin.
METHODS: We conducted a comprehensive review of the epidemiologic literatur
e and hypothesized mechanisms pertaining to EMF exposure and the risk of br
east cancer, in order to assess whether or not there was evidence to sugges
t a link between EMF and breast cancer.
RESULTS: Some occupational epidemiological studies have demonstrated an inc
reased incidence of breast cancer among mainly male electrical workers. It
has been difficult to study women, as few are employed in these types of oc
cupations. In all, there have been eleven occupational studies related to b
reast cancer in women, and statistically significant risk ratios have been
observed: 1.98 for premenopausal women in occupations with high EMF exposur
e in one study, 2.17 in all women who worked as telephone installers, repai
rers, and line workers in another study, and 1.65 for system analysts/progr
ammers, 1.40 for telegraph and radio operators, and 1.27 for telephone oper
ators in a third study. However, six of the studies did not find any signif
icant effects and two found effects only in subgroups. The results of the e
ight studies of residential exposure and four electric blanket studies have
been inconsistent, with most not demonstrating any significant association
. However, this might be attributed, at least to some extent, to difficulti
es in assessing residential exposure in these studies, as well as other met
hodological considerations.
CONCLUSIONS: The biologic plausibility of an association between EMF and br
east cancer, coupled with suggestive data from occupational studies and une
xplained high incidence rates of breast cancer, suggests that further inves
tigation of this possible association is warranted. Ann Epidemiol 2000;10:3
1-44. Published by Elsevier Science Inc.