Objectives: To study the effects of photorefractive keratectomy on ocular o
ptical aberrations and to establish correlations with glare vision and low-
contrast vision.
Methods: Preoperative ocular aberroscopy of 15 eyes undergoing photorefract
ive keratectomy was compared with aberroscopy at 3 months postoperatively b
y means of a newly developed automated aberroscope of the Tschern-ing type.
The correlation of the wavefront errors with best spectacle-corrected visu
al acuity, low-contrast visual acuity, and visual acuity under glare condit
ions was analyzed.
Results: In any individual treated, the total wavefront error increased. On
average, the total wavefront error increased by a factor of 17.65; this in
crease was highly statistically significant (P=.001). Also, the correlation
with best-corrected visual acuity, low-contrast visual acuity, and glare v
isual acuity was statistically significant (P=.02, P=.001, and P=.03, respe
ctively). The increase in ocular aberrations was significantly related with
the virtual pupil size.
Conclusions: Photorefractive keratectomy increases the ocular aberrations,
impairing the visual performance of the eyes treated. In detail, scotopic v
isual measures such as low-contrast visual acuity and glare visual acuity s
uffer most from the myopia correction. Aberroscopy-guided photorefractive k
eratectomy may avoid such effects.