Programmed cell death (apoptosis) is well-established in many multicellular
organisms. Apoptosis purifies a tissue from cells that became useless or e
ven harmful for the organism. Similar phenomena are already described also
at subcellular level (suicide of mitochondria, i.e., mitoptosis) as well as
at supracellular level (degradation of some organs temporarily appearing i
n the course of ontogenesis and then disappearing by means of apoptosis of
the organ-composing cells). Following the same logic, one may put a questio
n about programmed death of an organism as a mechanism of purification of a
kin, community of organisms, or population from individuals who became unw
anted for this kin, etc. A putative mechanism of such kind is proposed to b
e coined "phenoptosis" by analogy with apoptosis and mitoptosis. In a unice
llular organism (the bacterium Escherichia coli), three different biochemic
al mechanisms of programmed death are identified. All of them are actuated
by the appearance of phages inside the bacterial cell. This may be regarded
as a precedent of phenoptosis which prevents expansion of the phage infect
ion among E. coli cells. Purification of a population from infected individ
uals looks like an evolutionary invention useful for a species. Such an inv
ention has high chances to be also employed by multicellular organisms. Mos
t probably, septic shock in animals and humans serves as an analog of the p
hage-induced bacterial phenoptosis. It is hypothesized that the stress-indu
ced ischemic diseases of brain and heart as well as carcinogenesis if they
are induced by repeated stresses also represent phenoptoses that, in contra
st to sepsis, are age-dependent. There are interrelations of programmed dea
th phenomena at various levels of complexity of the living systems. Thus, e
xtensive mitoptosis in a cell leads to apoptotic death of this cell and ext
ensive apoptosis in an organ of vital importance results in phenoptotic dea
th of an individual. In line with this logic, some cases are already descri
bed when inhibition of apoptosis strongly improves the postischemic state o
f the organism.