To uncover the underlying control structure of three-ball cascade juggling,
we studied its spatiotemporal properties in detail. Juggling patterns, per
formed at fast and preferred speeds, were recorded in the frontal plane and
subsequently analyzed using principal component analysis and serial correl
ation techniques. As was expected on theoretical grounds, the principal com
ponent analysis revealed that maximally four instead of the original six di
mensions (3 balls x 2 planar coordinates) are sufficient for describing the
juggling dynamics. Juggling speed was shown to affect the number of dimens
ions (four for the fast condition, two for the preferred condition) as well
as the smoothness of the time evolution of the eigenvectors of the princip
al component analysis? particularly around the catches. Contrary to the thr
ows and the zeniths, and regardless of juggling speed, consecutive catches
of the same hand showed a markedly negative lag-one serial correlation, sug
gesting that the catches are timed so as to preserve the temporal integrity
of the juggling act.