Stimulus representation is a functional interpretation of early sensory cor
tices. Early sensory cortices are subject to stimulus-induced modifications
. Common models for stimulus-induced learning within topographic representa
tions are based on the stimuli's spatial structure and probability distribu
tion. Furthermore, we argue that average temporal stimulus distances reflec
t the stimuli's relatedness. As topographic representations reflect the sti
muli's relatedness, the temporal structure of incoming stimuli is important
for the learning in cortical maps. Motivated by recent neurobiological fin
dings, we present an approach of cortical self-organization that additional
ly takes temporal stimulus aspects into account. The proposed model transfo
rms average interstimulus intervals into representational distances. Thereb
y, neural topography is related to stimulus dynamics. This offers a new tim
e-based interpretation of cortical maps. Our approach is based on a wave-li
ke spread of cortical activity. Interactions between dynamics and feedforwa
rd activations lead to shifts of neural activity. The psychophysical saltat
ion phenomenon map represent an analogue to the shifts proposed here. With
regard to cortical plasticity, we offer an explanation for neurobiological
findings that other models cannot explain. Moreover? we predict cortical re
organizations under new experimental, spatiotemporal conditions. With regar
d to psychophysics, we relate the saltation phenomenon to dynamics and inte
raction in early sensory cortices and predict further effects in the percep
tion of spatiotemporal stimuli.